Your personal data will be stored and used to thank you for your partnership with us in
our work for Friends International in Cambridge and to provide you with our regular
news, prayer and fundraising updates. Please tick below if you are happy for us to communicate with you by email.
We are using something the GDPR regulation calls ‘Legitimate Interest’ and 'Consent' to allow us to legally store and use your personal data. This means we consider you have shown sufficient interest in helping us in some way as we organise and run our events, have given us your personal data and wish to receive communication from us. Apart from your name and contact details, this data may also include sensitive personal data such as dietary requirements etc. This type of data is only stored and used when you have given it to us and it is appropriate for us as a charity to use it to organise and run our events. We will never pass on your personal data to a third party without your consent.